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27:20 + 2 times; sf. מְכָרֹו Ex 21:37 + 2 times; 1 s. מָכַרְתִּי Is 50:1 + 2 times, etc.; Impf. יִמְכֹּר Ex 21:7 +, etc.; Imv. מִכְרָ˜ה Gn 25:3 1; fs. מִכְרִי 2 K 4:7 ; Inf. abs. מָכֹר Dt 14:2 1; 21:14 ; cstr. מְכֹור Ne 10:3 2; sf. מָכְרָהּ Ex 21: 8; מִכְרָם Am 2:6 Ne 13:15 ( cf. Ba NB 104); Pt. מֹכֵר ( מֹוכֵר ) Lv 25:16 + 3 times; f. מֹכֶרֶת Na 3: 4, etc.;— sell ( c. בְּ pret. Am 2:6 Jo 4:3 ψ 44:13 ) sq. acc. e.g. land Gn 47:20 , 22 ( J ), Lv 25:14 ( acc. cogn. ), v 25 ( H ; sq. מֵאֲחֻזָּתֹו ) cf. Ez 48:14 ( sq. מִן partit.), Lv 25:15 (no obj. expr.), so v 2 7; 27:20 ( H ), Ru 4:3 ; house Lv 25:29 ( H ); beast Ex 21:35 , 37 ( E ); flesh Dt 14:21 (no obj. ); crop Lv 25:16 ( H ); food Ne 10:32 ; 13:15 , 16 , cf. v 20 ( sq. מִמְכָר ); oil 2 K 4:7 ; linen Pr 31:24 ; birthright Gn 25:31 , 33
( J ); most often human beings, e.g. as slaves Gn 37:27 , 28 , 36 ; 45:4 , 5 (all JE), Ex 21:16 ( E ), Dt 21:14 (×2); 24:7 , cf. Am 2:6 Ne 5:8 Zc 11:5 Jo 4: 3, 6 , 7 , 8 (×2); especially daughters Ex 21:7 , 8 ( E ); in marriage Gn 31:15 ( E ); Pt. = seller Is 24:2 Ez 7:1 2, 13 ; fig. , obj. truth Pr 23:23 ; of Nineveh, selling nations גֹּויִם Na 3: 4; especially י׳ selling his people (to enemies), i.e. giving it entirely into their power: Dt 32:30 ψ

44:13 Is 50: 1, also ( מ׳ בְּיַד ) Ju 2:14 ; 3:8 ; 4:2 ; 10:7 ; 1 S 12:9 ; cf. Ju 4:9 (Sisera to woman); also Ez 30:12 ( del. Co after B al. ) Niph. Pf. נִמְכַּר Lv 25:48 + 5 times,

+ plus, denotes often that other passages, etc., might be cited. So also where the forms of verbs, nouns, and adjectives are illustrated by citations, near the beginning of articles; while etc. in such connexions commonly indicates that other forms of the word occur, which it has not been thought worth while to cite.
sf. suffix, or with suffix.

Impf. Imperfect. Imv. Imperative. fs. feminine singular. Inf. Infinitive.
abs. absolute.
cstr. construct.

Ba J. Barth, Nominalbildung . Pt. Participle.
f. feminine, feminae.
c. circa , about; also cum , with. sq. followed by.
acc. accusative (direct obj. etc.) J Jehovist. acc. acc.. of cognate meaning with verb. v verse.

H Code of Holiness. obj. object.

E Elohist.

×2 two times. fig. figurative. del. dele, strike out (also delet, delent ). Co C. H. Cornill.

B Vatican MS. of Septuagint.

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