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•[דִּין S 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780 TWOT 2674, 426, 426a GK 1878, 1906, 1907 ] vb. judge (BH );—Pe.

Pt. pl. דָּאֲנִין Ezr 7:25 Kt ( Qr דָּֽיְנִין ), sq. ל pers.

דִּין S 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780 TWOT 2674, 426, 426a GK 1878, 1906, 1907 n.m. Ezr 7:26

judgment ;— abs. ד׳ Dn 4:34 = justice (of ways of God); emph. דִּינָה מִתְעֲבֵד מִנֵּהּ Ezr 7:26 judgment be executed upon him; דִּינָא = judges, court

Dn 7:10 , 26 + perhaps v 22 (reading יְהִב וְד׳ [יְתִב וְשָׁלְטָנָא ], Ew Bev Kmp

Dr ); MT however = judgment was given in favour of ( v. D r).

[ דַּיָּן S 1781, 1782 TWOT 2674a, 426b GK 1908 ] n.m. judge ;— pl. דַּיָּנִין Ezr 7:2 5.

[ מְדִינָה S 4082, 4083 TWOT 2674c, 426d GK 4519 ] n. f. (judicial) district, province

( K § 60, 3) d); also BH ) ;—emph. מְדִינְתָּא (M-A§ 72 c) Ezr 5:8 ; 6:2 ; cstr. מְדִינַת

Dn 2:48 , 49 ; 3:1 , 12 , 30 Ezr 7:1 6; pl. abs. מְדִנָן 4:1 5, emph. מְדִינָתָא Dn 3: 2,
3 .

דָּנִיֵּאל S 1840, 1841 GK 1975 n.pr.m. Daniel ( BH id. ) ;— Dn 2:13 , 14 + 50 times Dn.

Andr M 59 Mey Entst. J. 39 Str 46 read דַּיָּנַיָּא judges (as transl. of Pers. dâtabara ), while Scheft 81 (improb.) cp. OIran. denya , (the) orthodox , i.e. Persians ) .

Ew H. Ewals. Kmp A. Kamphausen. MT Masoretic Text. Andr Andreas, in Martis Aramaic Grammatik . Mey Mey E. Jud., or Entstehung , or Enst. J., or Entstehung d. Jud. , or Judenth(um) = Id., Die Entstehung des Judenthums.

Str H. L. Strack. transl. translate (translated, translation); rarely = transitive. Pers. Persian.

Scheft Scheftelowitz, usually = Scheft, Arisches im A. T.; cp. compare.

OIran. Old Iranian.

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