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read יִבְלְעָם also in Jos 21:25 ( || 1 Ch 6:5 5), for MT גַּת רִמֹּון , Ö Ιεβαθα ( Ö L after MT Γεθρεµµων ), v. D i; it lay about 13 m. E. of N. from Samaria, three- fifths of the way to Jezreel; mod. ruin Bel˓ame Bd Pal. 228, cf. Schultz ZMG iii. 49 ; (Old Egyptian Y-b-ra-˓a-mu̥ WMM 195).

יַבֶּלֶת S 2990 TWOT 835f GK 3301 v. יַבָּל .

יבם ( appar. √ of foll.; meaning dubious ) .

[ יָבָם S 2993 TWOT 836a GK 3303 ] n.m. husband’s brother ( NH id.; å יַבְמָא ;
v. Lag M ii. 78) —only sf. יְבָמִי Dt 25: 7, יְבָמָהּ 25: 5, in law of levirate marriage ( cf. Gn 38: 8; v. also Dr Dt 25:5–1 0).

[ יְבֵ˜מֶת ] n.f. sister-in-law ( NH יְבָמָה , å יְבַמְתָּא , יְבִימְתָּא ; Syriac ܝܺܒܰܡܬܳܐ ( yibamto ) ) —only sf. יְבִמְתֹּו Dt 2 5 ;7 (×2), 9 his brother’s wife
( widow ), ( cf. Gn 38: 8) in levirate law; יְבִמְתֵּךְ Ru 1:15 (×2) thy husband’s brother’s wife .

[ יָבַם S 2992 TWOT 836 GK 3302 ] vb. denom. , only Pi. do the duty of יָבָם to a brother’s widow; Pf. וְיִבְּמָהּ consec. Dt 25:5 and shall do a brother-in-law’s office to her; Imv. יַבֵּם אֹתָהּ Gn 38:8 (i.e. אֵשֶׁת אָחִיךָ v a); Inf. sf. לֹא אָבָה יַבְּמִי Dt 25:7 (on nominal sf. as obj. of inf. , v. Ges § 115 R. 2 ad fin. ).

יַבְנְאֵל S 2995 GK 3305 , יַבְנֶה , יִבְנְיָה S 2997 GK 3307 , יִבְנִיָּה

S 2998 GK 3308 v. sub בנה .

יַבֹּק S 2999 GK 3309 v. sub בקק p. 132b supr.

Bd Bädekers Palestine.

ZMG Zeitschrift d. deutsch. Morgenländ. Gesellschaft. WMM W. Max Müller.
root or stem.

Lag P. de Lagarde, Mittheilungen .

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