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מִסְכְּנֹות S 4543 TWOT 1494a GK 5016 n.f.pl. supply, storage ( DlPr 186) ;— עָרֵי (הַ)מ׳ Ex 1:11 ( J ), 1 K 9:19 = 2 Ch 8: 6, 2 Ch 8:4 ; 17:12 ; מ׳ ע׳ 16:4 prob. corrupt ( Be al. ; v. עִיר ); מ׳ alone 32:28 7.

סָכַן S 5532, 5533 TWOT 1494, 1495, 1496 GK 5015, 6122, 6123, 6124 ] vb. incur danger (late) ( NH id. Pi. endanger , Hiph. be endangered , סַכָּנָה danger , etc.; Aramaic סְכַן id. , cf. Levy NHWB iii. 526 ??? De HL und Koheleth 203; Eng. Trans. 194 ) ;— Niph. Impf. 3 ms. יִסָּ˜כֶן בָּם Ec 10:9 he that cleaveth (logs of) wood endangers himself by them .

סָכַן S 5532, 5533 TWOT 1494, 1495, 1496 GK 5015, 6122, 6123, 6124 ] vb. (so most) be poor , but v. infr .;— Pu. Pt. הַמְסֻכָּן תְּרוּמָה Is 40:20 usually, he who is impoverished in respect to offering , but very dub. ; v. conject. in Du (against him Di - Kit ) Skinner Zim ZA ix. 111 Che Heb.Hpt..— מִסְכֵּן poor , מִסְכֵּנֻת poverty , v. p.

[ סִכְסֵךְ ] v. sub IV. שׂכך .

pl. plural. Dl Friedrich Delitzsch, Wo lag das Paradies? Be E. Bertheau.
al. et aliter , and elsewhere; also et alii , and others.
v. vide , see. NH New (Late) Hebrew. Levy Jacob Levy.

NHWB Levy, Neuhebr. Wörterb . De Franz Delitzsch, Comm. über das Hohelied und Koheleth .

Eng. Trans. English Translation. infr. infra, below.
dub. dubious, doubtful.

Du B. Duhm. Di A. Dillmann. Kit R. Kittel. Che T. K. Cheyene, Isaiah, in Hpt.s sacred Books of the O. T. (Polychrome Bible), Eng. Trans., and Heb. Text

Hpt. T. K. Cheyene, Isaiah, in Hpt.s sacred Books of the O. T. (Polychrome Bible), Eng. Trans., and Heb. Text


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