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12:6 ), 43:19 ; 49:19 Am 6:7 עתה יִגְלוּ לכן , Is 49:19 Mi 7: 4, 10 Dn 10:2 0; and especially ἀσυνδέτως in Hos, introducing a punishment, Ho 4:16 עתה יִרְעֵם י׳ וגו׳ 5: 7; 8:8 , 13 ( Je 14:10 ), 10:2 . c. of a time ideally present ( = then , from our point of view): Is 29:22 לא עתה יבושׁ יעקב , v b Ho 10:3 Mi 4: 9, 10 , 11 , 14 ; 5:3 . d. describing a present state = as things are: 1 S 8:5 thou art old, etc., שִׂימָה לנו מלך עתה , 9:6 ; 13:12 ; 14:30 ; 25:7b ; 27:1 now I shall be swept away one day, etc., 2 K 18:20 , 25 Jb 6:2 1; 14:16 ; 16:7 . e. with an Imv. , as an encouragement, implying that the time has come for the exhortation or advice to be followed, Gn 31:13 עתה קום צא , Ex 18:19 עתה שְׁמַע בקולי , Nu 22:11 Dt 2:13 Is 30: 8.

2. Phrases: a. עַתָּה זֶה ( זֶה 4 h ) 1 K 17:24 2 K 5:2 2. b. ועתה and, now , or now , therefore ( וְ 4 ), drawing a conclusion, especially ( cf. 1 e ) a practical one, from what has been stated: Gn 3:22 and now (since man has once been disobedinet), lest he put forth his hand, etc., 20:7 ; 21:23 וְעַתָּה הִשָּֽׁבְעָה לִי הֵ˜נָּה , 27:3 , 8 בקולי ועתה בני שְׁמַע , 30:30 ; 31:16 , 44 ; 37:20 + often, Is 5:3 , 5 ; 36:8 ψ 2:10 ; Gn 11:6 ועתה לֹא־יִבָּצֵר מֵהֶם וגו׳ , 31:30 ; 45:8 2 S 19:11 ψ 39:8 ועתה מַה־קִּוִּיתִי אֲדֹנָי , Is 52:5 . c. וְעַתָּה הִנֵּה stating the ground on which some conclusion or action is to be based, Ex 3:9 Jo 14:10 (×2) 1 S 12: 2; 24:21 1 K 1:18 Je 40:4 (with ועתה usually repeated after the הנה -clause). d. גם עתה Gn 44:10 1 S 12:16 1 K 14:14 Jo 2:12 Jb 16:19 . e. מֵעַתָּה from now, henceforth , Je 3:4 Is 48:6 Dn 10:17 (according to some, here = from just now ), 2 Ch 16:9 ; ועד עולם מעתה , v. supr. 1 a end . f. עַד־עַתָּה until now , Gn 32:5 וָאֵחַר עד־ע׳ , Dt 12:9 אל הנחלה לא באתם עד ע׳ ( opp. to the fut.), 2 K 13:23 ; especially after clause with מִן , 46:34 מִנְּעוּרֵינוּ וְעַד־ע׳ ( 2 S 19:8 Ez 4:1 4), Ex 9:18 2 K 8:6 Ru 2: 7. g. כִּי עַתָּה for in this case , in our idiom, for then ( עתה pointing to a condition assumed as a possible contingency; cf. Dr § 141, 142 ); ( a ) Ex 9:15 שׁלחתי וגו׳ כי עתה for then (if the intention expressed in v 14 had not existed) I should have put forth my hand, etc., Nu 22:29 כי עתה הֲרַגְתִּיךְ , 1 S 13:13 Jb 3:1 3; sq. impf. Jb 6:3 for then (if it were weighed, v 2) it would be heavier, etc., 13:19 for then would I be silent and die; ( b ) after a protasis, surely then Gn 31:42 + (see כִּי 1 d b , p. 472).— Note . Read כְּמֹו עַתָּ ( Ö É ) as now , for כְּמֹו עֵת Ez 16:57 , עַתָּ נִשְׁבַּרְתְּ ( Ö ã É ) now art thou broken! for עֵת נִשְׁבֶּרֶת Ez 27:3 4, and prob. עַתָּ בָּא ( Hi We Kö No w, cf. Ö ã ) for

Dr S. R. Driver, Hebrew Tenses; ÉÑ Vulgate.
ãÑ Syriac Version.

E. König.

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